Saturday, January 24, 2009

The 21st Century -- Larry finally arrives

I sent my first email last week to my grandson Dustin. My second was to my daughter Jennifer for her birthday. Now I am actually perusing the internet. I found a picture of my first car, exactly as I bought it.

Sometime soon I will post a picture of the actual car after I was finished customizing it.

My car won 1st prize in the 1958 Lagoon Auto-Rama for Paint.

As I write this, I'm in Florida enjoying, as my daughter Carol-Lyn would say, old age. As you might imagine, I am shocked to find myself involved in the 21st Century. So prepare yourself for emails, etc. That's it for now.


  1. It was fun helping you make your blog. Your the youngest old person I know!

  2. Larry, yes, another blog site I can read and catch up on. I love the look of your first car. I didn't even own my own car until I had three kids and Steve bought me a turquoise hatchback that I drove in Provo until we sold it for the move to Texas. Nice wheels you owned.

  3. Go Larry! I am excited to read all of your wisdom and tips on the local specials at Denny's!

  4. Hi Larry! Now you have entered the blogging world we just need to get Leslee to join and everybody lives I want to keep up on will be at my fingertips.

  5. Awesome! I am so excited that you are now on email and a blogger, now you need to figure out how to make money off of advertiser's on your blog, and you can truly be retired while the commissions roll in.... Jen M.
